Storage Tote Rack Solutions

Storage Tote Rack Solutions

If your attic, basement, garage, shed or workspace is overflowing with stuff, it's time to clear the clutter and get organized with a Storage Tote Rack!

Handyman Knoxville builds custom storage tote racks for any size or quantity of totes. You choose the tote container size and quantity and we'll build a custom rack that fits those specifications.

Common Size Storage Tote Racks:

  • 6 Totes (2 wide x 3 tall)
  • 12 Totes (3 wide x 4 tall)
  • 24 Totes (6 wide x 4 tall)
  • 27 gallon is the most common size

Depending on the desired size we can also incorporate additional features such as work benches, nooks for light switch access, and top shelf storage for additional larger totes or odd sized bulky objects.

Storage tote racks can also be painted to your desired color. We can even make them mobile with the use of locking swivel casters.

Knoxville Storage Tote Rack Solutions
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Knoxville Handyman Services. Serving Knox County and Surrounding Areas. Licensed, Bonded & Insured.
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(865) 284-2323
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Handyman Knoxville LLC
P.O. Box 22682
Knoxville, TN 37933
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